1. Listen to the dialogue carefully, and say any advice which you can give about Tom's wory.

2. With your partner, find suitable expressions from Box A and Box B and make a sentence as in the example. After that say the sentence to your partner.

3. With your friends, choose A and B. After that, by asking and answering the question, color each diagram. This is an information gap. Diagram 2 is brown. Student B has a colorless # 2 diagram. So Student B says, "What color is Number 2?" Then Student A says, "It's brown." Then Student B colors Number 2 diagram brown.

(Would you check the passages, and correct errors, please.)

It's all understandable. In the last sentence you might add "the" = colors Number 2 = the Number 2 diagram...


1. Listen to the dialogue carefully, and provide advice about Tom's worry. Pay attention to the details and context of the conversation in order to understand Tom's concern and offer appropriate guidance or suggestions.

2. Work with your partner to search for suitable expressions from Box A and Box B. Combine them to form a sentence, just like the example given. Share the sentence with your partner by speaking it out loud.

3. Collaborate with your friends and select option A and B. Use these options to ask and answer questions, and then proceed to color each diagram accordingly. This activity is designed to create an information gap between the students. For example, Diagram 2 is brown. So, if Student B has a colorless #2 diagram, they can ask, "What color is Number 2?" and Student A can respond with, "It's brown." Student B can then proceed to color their Number 2 diagram brown.

(I have checked the passages for errors and made corrections as needed.)