
do you get the answer to 120 meters in precision . the teacher really didnot explain well,so i am a little lost.

To determine the answer to 120 meters with a specific precision, you need to understand what precision means. Precision refers to the level of detail or the number of significant figures in a measurement or answer.

To determine the precision of a value, you must follow these steps:

1. Identify the number of significant figures in the value. Significant figures are all non-zero digits and zeros between nonzero digits.

In the case of 120 meters, all the digits are significant. So, there are three significant figures.

2. Determine the desired precision level. This step involves deciding how many significant figures the final answer should have. Usually, precision is specified in terms of significant figures or decimal places.

Let's assume you want the answer to have two significant figures.

3. Round the value to the desired precision level. Rounding helps to limit the number of significant figures in the answer. The rules for rounding are as follows:

- If the digit following the last significant figure is less than 5, the last significant figure is left unchanged, and all subsequent digits are dropped.
- If the digit following the last significant figure is 5 or greater, the last significant figure is increased by 1, and all subsequent digits are dropped.

In the case of 120 meters with a desired precision of two significant figures, there is no need to round because it already has three significant figures.

Therefore, the answer to 120 meters with a precision of two significant figures remains as 120 meters.