The ecological succession in an alaskan forest was fireweeds-> shrubs -> hardwood trees-> conifers. The variety of species that are best adapted to life under the prevailing conditions (with the conifers) comprise

a. an ecosystem
b. a food web
c. a climaz community
d. grassland
e. deciduous forest

Is it a

Since the question is prefaced by the ecological succession, do you think there's a better answer?

Would it be the food web then?

What is the last stage in an ecological succession?

the climax community?

Right! The climax community is the last stage.

The correct answer is c. a climax community.

To understand why, let's first define some key terms:

- Ecological succession: This is the process by which an ecosystem changes over time. It involves a series of sequential stages or communities that gradually replace one another.

- Fireweeds: These are early successional plants that colonize disturbed areas, such as after a fire or other disturbances.

- Shrubs: These are intermediate successional plants that replace fireweeds and prepare the way for larger trees.

- Hardwood trees: These are another stage in succession. They replace shrubs and create a more stable and complex ecosystem.

- Conifers: These are the final stage in the succession, dominating the ecosystem and representing a stable and mature community.

A climax community is the stable end point of succession, where the community has reached a state of equilibrium and has the highest level of species diversity and complexity. In this case, the climax community is characterized by the predominance of conifers, which are the best adapted to the prevailing conditions of the Alaskan forest.

Therefore, the variety of species that are best adapted to life under the prevailing conditions in the Alaskan forest, including the conifers, make up a climax community (option c).