Why do you think it's important to find and use creditable sources in your written work?

Would you take your worse enemy's recommendation for a blind date?

Information we use is as only good as the sources. My wife is very sick these days, in treatment for cancer, and you would be very surprised how many of our acquantances offer treatment advice. It is nice, but we will stay with the doctor, for better or worse. Yes, we are getting a second opinion from MD Anderson Hospital in Houston, however, we are not seeking an opinion from Rev Do Good.
Bob McNamara, ex DOD chief, said in the early 60's something that has stuck in my mind for years: Bob said that he judged men on three things; what they knew, how they used that information, and third, how did they seek out additional information.
Those three criteria seem to be valid in many fields, and choosing sources is a vital part of the third condition.

It is important to find and use credible sources in your written work for several reasons. Firstly, using credible sources adds credibility to your own work. When you cite reputable sources, it demonstrates that you have done your research and have based your arguments or claims on reliable information. This enhances the overall quality and reliability of your work.

Secondly, credible sources provide accurate and up-to-date information. By using reliable sources, you can ensure that the information you present is factual and supported by evidence. This helps to avoid spreading misinformation or relying on outdated information that may have been debunked or disproven.

Furthermore, using credible sources allows readers to verify and validate the information you present. When you cite reputable sources, readers can independently assess the reliability and validity of the information by referring to those sources themselves. This promotes transparency and instills trust in your work.

To find credible sources, you can follow a few steps. Start by considering the expertise and authority of the author or organization providing the information. Look for sources that have a peer-review process, as this indicates that the information has been subjected to rigorous evaluation by experts in the field. Additionally, reputable sources are usually published in well-established journals, books, or reputable websites.

It is also important to consider the currency of the source. If the information is outdated, it may not be accurate or reliable anymore.

Finally, cross-referencing information from multiple credible sources can help you ensure accuracy and reliability. By comparing information from different sources, you can identify commonalities and confirm the validity of the information.

In summary, using credible sources in your written work adds credibility, provides accurate information, allows readers to verify information, and helps you avoid spreading misinformation. Following a systematic process of evaluating sources can help you ensure the credibility and reliability of the information you use.