Ok so i need help with subtracting integers because i am lost some please help me fast!

thanks but i was wondering if you could please explain it to me cause i tried mathgoodies and i still don't get it.

Please post a specific problem. We'll be glad to explain the process then.



21 - (-7) = 21+7 = 28

from 21 go left on the number line a negative amount, which means go right.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with subtracting integers! Here's a step-by-step explanation on how to subtract integers:

Step 1: Understand the concept:
Integers are positive and negative whole numbers, including zero. When subtracting integers, you need to consider the signs (+ or -) of the numbers involved.

Step 2: Determine the sign rules:
- When subtracting a positive integer, it behaves like addition. A positive integer minus another positive integer will result in a positive or larger value.
- When subtracting a negative integer, it behaves like addition. A negative integer minus another negative integer will result in a negative or smaller value.
- When subtracting different signs (positive and negative), it will be similar to adding their absolute values; the sign will depend on the larger absolute value.
- Subtracting zero from any number will not change its value.

Step 3: Apply the rules and perform the subtraction:
To subtract integers, follow these steps:
1. Identify the signs of the numbers involved. Determine if the numbers are positive or negative.
2. Subtract the absolute values of the numbers.
3. Apply the sign based on the rules mentioned earlier.

Let's go through some examples to reinforce the concept:

Example 1:
Subtract: 6 - 4

- Identify the signs: 6 is positive, and 4 is positive.
- Subtract the absolute values: |6| - |4| = 2
- Since both numbers are positive, the result is positive.
- Answer: 2

Example 2:
Subtract: -8 - 3

- Identify the signs: -8 is negative, and 3 is positive.
- Subtract the absolute values: |-8| - |3| = 5
- Since the number being subtracted has a smaller absolute value, the result is negative.
- Answer: -5

I hope this step-by-step explanation helps you understand how to subtract integers. If you have any more specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

These sites have good explanations of subtracting integers.



I have posted it above.