michelle's mother bought three feet of ribbon for michell's new church dress. How may yards did she buy?

there are 3ft in 1yd so

3ft(1yard/3ft)= 1yard

To convert feet to yards, you can use the conversion factor that there are 3 feet in 1 yard.

You can set up a conversion equation:

3 feet = 1 yard

Since you need to find the number of yards, you can divide the given 3 feet by the conversion factor:

3 feet / (1 yard/3 feet) = 3 feet * (3 feet/1 yard)

Simplifying this expression, the feet unit cancels out, leaving you with:

3 * (3/1) = 9/1 = 9 yards

Therefore, Michelle's mother bought 9 yards of ribbon for Michelle's new church dress.