olve. State the solution set using interval notation and graph it

1/3x > 2 and 1/4x > 2
First should I solve for x. How would you handle this problem?

yes, solve for x in each..

x>6; x>8

so if the second condition is met, that is x is g reater than eight, the first is not applicable.

first solve each of the inequalities

here is the first:

1/3x > 2
1 > 6x
in the same way from the second, x<1/8

Also it should be obvious that x cannot be zero or a negative, since 1/(a negative) is not greater than 2

so we have x<1/6 AND x<1/8

so the only values that would work are
0 < x < 1/8

See how important it is to use proper notation?
if you meant (1/3)x > 2 and (1/4)x > 2
then bobpursley's solution is correct

if you meant 1/(3x) > 2 and 1/(4x) > 2
then my solution is correct.


To solve the inequality 5N + 3 - 4N > -5 - 3N:

Combine like terms on both sides of the inequality:
5N - 4N - 3N > -5 - 3 - 3N

-2N > -11 - 3N

Add 3N to both sides:
-2N + 3N > -11 - 3N + 3N
N > -11

The solution to the inequality is N > -11.

In interval notation, this would be written as (-11, ∞).

To solve the equation 5N + 3 - 4N > -5 - 3N, we need to simplify and isolate the variable N on one side of the inequality sign.

Let's start by combining like terms on both sides of the equation:

5N - 4N + 3N > -5 - 3 - 3N

Simplifying further, we have:

4N > -8 - 3N

Next, we want to isolate the variable N on one side, so let's move the -3N term to the left side by adding 3N to both sides:

4N + 3N > -8

Combining like terms again, we get:

7N > -8

Now, to solve for N, we divide both sides of the inequality by 7:

N > -8/7

The solution for N is N > -8/7.

In interval notation, we represent this solution as (-8/7, +∞), which means N is greater than -8/7 and can take any value larger than that.

To graph this solution on a number line, we start at -8/7 and shade everything to the right since N is greater than -8/7.