Read Scientific Inquiry, Controlled Experiments Then and Now, pages 6-7 of your textbook.

Start by observing the living species around you. Ever wonder why a pollinator is attracted to a particular flower, or what would happen to predator species if a particular prey species is eliminated? If you were a scientist you could do an experiment to answer your question.

For this assignment, choose two non-human species that interact with each other, such as bees and flowers, or predator and prey species, or two species that compete. Or, you can consider the effect of an environmental factor on living non- human organisms, such as the effects of light or sound on plants or animals, or how food preference, or nutrient quantity / quality affect plants or animals. These are just a few examples. Your observations may lead you to many other types of questions about living organisms, their interactions, and requirements for life.

Start with an Introduction/Observation and move through the steps of the Scientific Method as outlined below. Your paper should follow this format.

Remember, you don't have to actually do the experiment, just write what you would do to test your hypothesis.

Observations / Introduction: Describe your observation. Include background information about your observations that you have found using references. List and cite references using APA format.

Question: Ask a question about the observation that you have made.

Hypothesis: Write a statement that describes your explanation for the observation and question.

Prediction: What do you predict as outcomes (results) of this experiment? (An “If … Then” Statement)

Controlled Experiment and Methods: Describe the experiment, variables to be held constant, variable to be tested, and controls. What data will be collected? Keep this simple and test only one variable at a time; holding the others constant.

Results: Give the results (data) for the experiment. This will be created (imagined) by you since you are not actually doing this experiment.

Conclusion / Discussion: Do you reject or accept the hypothesis based on the results? Discuss what this means in terms of the hypothesis, or need for additional experiments, or perhaps practical use of the results.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

I really don't understand what to do... I would really just like an example so I can understand better and comeup with my own answer

And also, If i was to use any of the answers posted will my teacher be able to find out. I go to college online and they have a system that lets them know if something is copied I believe

I assume you've thoroughly studied pages 6-7 in your text.

Then choose two nonhuman species that interact with each other.

If I were writing this I'd start with an observation I made this spring.

For five minutes or so I watched a blue jay chasing a squirrel up and down the huge pine tree outside my windows. The obvious question is why a bird was chasing a squirrel.

My hypothesis was that the jay had a nest with eggs high in the tree. The squirrel saw these eggs as food, while the jay saw them as her children.

To prove my hypothesis, I'd have to climb the tree to see if the jay actually had eggs in a nest.

I'd also check the internet for information about squirrels and birds and eggs.

I'm sure you can take it from here.

Observations / Introduction: In this assignment, you are asked to choose two non-human species that interact with each other or to consider the effect of an environmental factor on living non-human organisms. You can choose examples such as bees and flowers, predator and prey species, or two competing species. You may also explore the effects of light or sound on plants or animals or the impact of food preference or nutrient quantity/quality on plants or animals. These observations should be based on background information you have found using references.

Question: Based on your observations, formulate a question about the interaction or effect you have observed. For example, you may ask, "What is the impact of a specific environmental factor on the growth of a particular plant species?"

Hypothesis: Write a statement that describes your explanation for the observed interaction or effect. For instance, you could propose a hypothesis such as, "If the environmental factor X is increased, then the growth rate of the plant species Y will also increase."

Prediction: Based on your hypothesis, make a prediction about the expected outcomes (results) of the experiment. Formulate an "If ... Then" statement that links the independent variable (the factor you are testing) to the dependent variable (the outcome you are measuring). For instance, you might predict, "If the environmental factor X is increased, then the height of plant species Y will also increase."

Controlled Experiment and Methods: Describe the experiment you would conduct to test your hypothesis. This involves specifying the variables to be held constant (controlled variables), the variable to be tested (independent variable), and the control group. Ensure that you only test one variable at a time while holding others constant. Describe the data you would collect during the experiment, such as measurements of plant growth, survival rates, or any other relevant data.

Results: Imagine the results of your experiment by filling in the data. This step requires you to use your understanding of the topic and make logical inferences based on your hypothesis and predictions. Create a table or graph to present your data, and describe the patterns or trends you see.

Conclusion / Discussion: Based on the results of your imaginary experiment, discuss whether you would reject or accept your hypothesis. Interpret what the results mean in terms of your hypothesis, potential implications for further experiments or research, or practical applications of your findings. Consider the limitations of your experiment and any alternative explanations for your results.