since the fall of communism some eastern european have:

A)taken steps to return to a cummunist system of government.
b)had difficulty adapting to free market system.
c)cleaned up thier enviornment promblems
D)all of the above
my choice is d

state farms in communist europe were run by:
A)small independent collectives
c)the government
D)specialists in environmental science.
my choice a my second choice is b

I agree with your first answer, but not your second.

In your second question, note the key word, "state." In this context, state means national government.

is it c.


To determine the correct answer to the first question, you can examine the historical events that followed the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. One approach is to analyze the trends and changes that occurred in various Eastern European countries. You can research the political systems established after communism, economic developments, and environmental initiatives undertaken. By consulting reliable sources such as books, academic articles, or reputable news outlets, you can gather information to support your answer.

Regarding the second question, you need to understand the structure of state farms in communist Europe. To find the answer, you can again refer to historical records or scholarly works that provide insights into the management and organization of state farms during that era. Comparing different viewpoints and sources will give you a more comprehensive understanding of how state farms were operated. This analysis will help you determine the correct answer to the question.