
The range of dark and light blue in the sky refers to the what of this color?

#1. Value
#2. Color temperature

My answer is #1, is that correct?

Thank You



Scroll down in each of the above links to read the articles from Wikipedia. Very interesting.



The range of dark and light blue in the sky refers to the value of this color. Value in color refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. In this case, the dark and light blue shades in the sky indicate the varying values of the blue color.

Color temperature, on the other hand, refers to the perceived warmth or coolness of a color. It does not directly relate to the range of dark and light blue in the sky.

So, your answer #1 - Value is correct in this context.

If you want to understand more about color value, you can visit the link http://www.answers.com/color%20value and scroll down to read the article on Wikipedia.

Similarly, if you are interested in learning about color temperature, you can visit the link http://www.answers.com/topic/color-temperature?cat=technology and scroll down to read the article on Wikipedia.

Both articles will provide you with a deeper understanding of these topics. Enjoy exploring!