You and a friend each drive 50.0 km. You travel at 90 km/h; your friend travels at 95.0 km/h. How long will your friend wait for you at the end of the trip?

time difference= 50(1/90-1/95) hrs

check my thinking.


1 minute 32 sec

1 minute 42 sec

To find out how long your friend will wait for you at the end of the trip, we need to compare the time it takes for both of you to travel the same distance.

First, let's calculate the time it takes for you to travel the 50.0 km distance. Since you are driving at a speed of 90 km/h, you can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 50.0 km / 90 km/h

Time ≈ 0.5556 hours

Next, let's calculate the time it takes for your friend to cover the same distance. Since your friend is driving at a speed of 95.0 km/h, we can again use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 50.0 km / 95.0 km/h

Time ≈ 0.5263 hours

Now, we can find the difference in time between the two of you by subtracting the time it took for you to travel from the time it took for your friend:

Difference in time = Friend's time - Your time
Difference in time ≈ 0.5263 hours - 0.5556 hours

Difference in time ≈ -0.0293 hours

Since the difference in time is negative, it means that you arrived at the destination earlier than your friend did. Therefore, your friend won't have to wait for you at the end of the trip.