what is a current event in 5th grade.what do i do ,and how do i start it.

Check out the news stories on this page.


I recommend you read the articles about the forest fires near Los Angeles and about Senator Kennedy's funeral.

After you've read these articles, decide on one. Then take some notes about the most important parts of the story. After you've read and taken notes, then you can write your current events report.

i'am i just writing a report on it and using pictures also.

Thank You!

A current event is anything that is happening currently (in this time period). It can be local, state, national or international. For example, the recent death of Sen. Kennedy would be a national event. The opening of the new school year could be a current event at all levels.

What level do they want you to cover? Find a significant happening at that level and discuss what happened, why it happened and how it has been or might be resolved.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.


A current event is the discussion of a recent news story or event. It is often assigned as a school project, including in 5th grade, to help students understand the world around them. Here's how you can start your current event project:

1. Select a News Topic: Choose a news story or event that you find interesting and relevant. It could be a local, national, or international event, such as a recent scientific discovery, a news item about your community, or a notable event in history.

2. Research: Start by gathering information about your chosen topic. Read articles, watch news clips, or explore reliable websites to get a good understanding of the event. Look for multiple sources to ensure accuracy and avoid biased information.

3. Take Notes: While researching, take notes of the key points, important facts, and any supporting evidence related to your topic. These notes will help you organize your thoughts when presenting your current event.

4. Create an Outline: Structure your current event by creating an outline. Start with an introduction to grab your audience's attention and explain why this event is significant. Then, provide a summary of the event, including key details and the main people involved. Finally, express your own opinion or analysis of the event.

5. Prepare Visuals: Consider including visuals to enhance your presentation. You can create slides with relevant images, charts, graphs, or even short video clips if possible. Visuals make it easier for your audience to understand and remember the information.

6. Practice and Present: Once your research, notes, outline, and visuals are ready, practice your presentation. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with a family member to build confidence. When you feel ready, present your current event to your class, following your outline and using your visuals to support your points.

Remember, a current event project aims to develop your research and presentation skills, as well as your ability to analyze and interpret news stories. Work on conveying the information clearly and also try to engage your audience with your own thoughts and opinions on the topic. Good luck with your project!