My question has to do with the book, The Secret Life of Bees . . . .

My teacher wants us to list three ways the main character (Lily) changed throughout the book.

I've already come up with two ways (the way she views her mother and the way she handles herself in difficult situations).

I was wondering if someone could help me come up with a third way, in which she changed . . .


Here is an excellent analysis of Lily's character and how it changed.

Certainly! In order to come up with a third way in which Lily, the main character in The Secret Life of Bees, changed throughout the book, we can look for key moments, events, or interactions that had a significant impact on her character development. Here's an approach to help you identify a third change:

1. Assess key moments: Reflect on important events or situations in the story where Lily experienced growth or transformation. Consider moments that might have influenced her perceptions, beliefs, or personal growth.

2. Analyze character interactions: Pay attention to the relationships Lily forms with other characters in the book. Look for significant conversations, conflicts, or connections that may have impacted her character development.

3. Examine personal realizations: Analyze any realizations or self-discoveries that Lily experiences as the story progresses. These moments of self-reflection or awareness often signal personal growth and change in a character.

By considering these factors, you can pinpoint a third way in which Lily changed throughout the book. Here's an example:

A possible third way in which Lily changed throughout the book is in her understanding of forgiveness and embracing compassion. As the story unfolds, Lily carries guilt and resentment towards herself for her mother's death. However, through her interactions with the beekeeping sisters, August, June, and May, Lily learns about the power of forgiveness. Through their guidance and support, Lily discovers that forgiveness can bring healing and liberation from past hurts. This realization leads to a significant change in her perspective and behavior as she learns to forgive herself and others, ultimately letting go of the burden she had been carrying.

Remember, this is just one possibility for the third change. As you continue to analyze the book, you may find other areas where Lily undergoes significant transformations. Happy exploring!