I know this seems like a silly question, but this is my first time taking a big lecture class (200-500 students). I take really detailed notes and our professor provides us with lecture outlines but I don't really know how to go about studying these outlines. Just reading over them is not effective. What can I do to test myself and make sure that I know all the information?

Right, just looking over them is not enough. The Cornell system of notetaking is much better, and proven effective. Take notes in a looseleaf notebook, with a page number or date on each page. A much better variation in the left "cue" column is to write a question about the notes content, then you can review the question column as a study guide. If you know the answers, move on. You don't need to buy special paper, just make a vertical line on the left side before you use each page, dividing it into a cue section, and a notes section. You can use this same notebook and method for text notes. When studying the notes, take the pages out, lay them on top of each other overlapping such that you only see questions. If you don't remember the answer, lift up the paper covering the notes part.



My handwriting was soooo terrible, that I developed a METHOD. I would come back to my desk and immediately "translate" my scribbles into an organized outline. In the process of doing this I could "re-hear" the lecture and add information that I thought pertinent in an organized manner. Then when it came time to study for an exam, I had all the information outlined and accurate.


Again, I recommend questions in the left column. Notice the last name on the cue column: I would recommend change that to a question, as "who is xxxx?
instead of define, "what does xxxx mean?

Make it like a test.

I am not so hot on the summary section at the bottom, I learned to use, and later teach, skipping some space between ideas presented in lecture, and using that space for a short summary, or editing outside of class. Putting it at the bottom of the page just breaks the continuity for me.

Now when do you use these notes: Just after class, read, review, and fill in the question column. Later, within 12 hrs, go over the notes and questions. Within the next 24 hrs, just review the questions: do you know the answers. Then, in 2-4 days, go over the questions again. Then when studying for tests, you will find you have "test" questions already generated, and you can study them, and surprisingly, you know the answers.

We learn by repetition spaced over time.

That's a great question, and it's normal to feel unsure about the best way to study lecture outlines. Fortunately, there are several effective methods you can try to test yourself and ensure that you know all the information:

1. Flashcards: Create flashcards using the key points or concepts from each section of the outline. On one side, write a question or term, and on the other side, write the corresponding answer or definition. Review the flashcards by going through them and testing yourself regularly.

2. Self-quizzing: Instead of just reading the outline, challenge yourself with questions related to each section. Cover the answers and try to recall the information from memory. This active retrieval process helps reinforce your learning.

3. Mind maps: Use the outline as a basis to create a visual representation of the main topics and their associated details. Mind maps allow you to see the relationships between concepts and can help you remember information more effectively.

4. Summarize sections: Take each section of the outline and try to summarize it in your own words. This exercise helps you consolidate your understanding of the content and identify any gaps in your knowledge.

5. Teach someone else: Find a study buddy or someone willing to listen, and explain the concepts from the outline to them. Teaching others not only reinforces your understanding but also helps you identify areas you might need to review further.

6. Practice application: Look for practice questions or problem sets related to the lecture content. Apply the knowledge from the outline to solve these questions, which will enhance your understanding and provide valuable practice.

Remember, understanding and applying the information is more important than simply memorizing it. By using these methods, you'll actively engage with the material, which can lead to deeper comprehension and better retention of the information. Good luck with your studying!