I have a hard time with making sentence fragments into complete sentences. Using this example-To get to the hospital quickly.

If you were trying to "cut and paste" it rarely works here. You will need to type it all out.

Taking your example, and expanding on it:
To get to the hospital quickly, we had to go as fast as possible, not speeding.

A com plete sentence must have a subject (either stated or understood) and a verb. Note that in the partial/fragment, there is no conjugated verb.


The car broke the speed limit - to get to the hospital quickly.

You need a subject and a verb to make that a complete sentence.

To turn a sentence fragment like "To get to the hospital quickly" into a complete sentence, you can follow a few simple steps:

1. Identify the subject: In this case, the subject is implied and can be considered as "I" since it refers to the person speaking or the one expressing the action.

2. Add a verb: To create a complete sentence, you need to include a verb that expresses the action or state of being. In this case, you can use the verb "need" or "want" to indicate a desire or intention.

3. Add any necessary objects or complements: Depending on the context, you may need to add additional information to make the sentence complete. In this case, no additional objects are required, but you can add a time adverbial like "right now" to give it more specificity.

Putting it all together, a complete sentence could be:

"I need to get to the hospital quickly."

Remember, the process may vary depending on the sentence fragment, but these steps can generally help you convert a fragment into a complete sentence.