hey so im doing my homework and i don't get it.. LONG DIVISON!!!

the problem is 6912 divided by 12.
can you help me???


thank u so much!!!

Of course, Mikaylah! I'll be happy to help you understand long division and solve the problem 6912 divided by 12.

To start with long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the division problem
Write the dividend (in this case, 6912) inside the long division symbol (รท) and the divisor (which is 12) outside the symbol.

12 | 6912

Step 2: Divide the first digit of the dividend
Since 12 is smaller than 69, we need to determine how many times 12 can be divided into 69 completely. In this case, 12 can be divided into 69 five times. Write the quotient (5) on top of the long division symbol and the remainder (9) on the right.

12 | 6912
- 60

Step 3: Bring down the next digit
Bring down the next digit of the dividend (in this case, it is 1), and bring it next to the remainder. The remainder becomes 91.

12 | 6912
- 60

Step 4: Divide and repeat
We need to divide 12 into 91, so we can see that 12 can be divided into 91 seven times. Write the quotient (7) on top and multiply it by the divisor (12) to get 84. Subtract this from 91 to get the new remainder (7).

12 | 6912
- 60
- 84

Step 5: Repeat step 3 and 4
Bring down the next digit (in this case, it is 2) and bring it next to the remainder (7). Now, we have 72.

12 | 6912
- 60
- 84

Divide 12 into 72 to get 6. Multiply this quotient (6) by the divisor (12) to get 72. Subtract this from 72 to get the new remainder (0).

12 | 6912
- 60
- 84
- 720

Step 6: Final result
If the remainder is zero, it means the division is complete and the quotient is the answer. In this case, 6912 divided by 12 equals 576.

Therefore, the answer to the problem 6912 divided by 12 is 576.

I hope this explanation helps you understand long division better! Let me know if you have any more questions.