These are the only ones I need help on, Thanks

1. Which of the following statements about information systems is not correct?
A. Information systems are concentrated in the IS Department.
B. Information systems tend to follow the structure of the organization.
C. Information systems are based on the needs of employees.
D. Any information system can be strategic.
E. Managing information systems is difficult.

3. An information system that analyzes credit card applications and suggests approval or denial is a(n):
A. expert system
B. dashboard
C. functional area information system
D. decision support system
E. business intelligence system

4. Which of the following statements concerning information resources is not correct?
A. Information resources include all the hardware, information systems and applications, data, and networks in an organization.
B. Without their information resources, organizations cannot function.
C. Information resources typically do not change quickly.
D. Information resources are expensive to acquire, operate, and maintain.

5. International Game Technology had all of the following problems that led to its implementing an ERP system, except:
A. Each functional area had its own information system
B. Applications were not integrated
C. A lack of useful information for managers
D. The accounting department had multiple types of software
E. The company could not manage the high volume of its transactions

6. International Game Technology’s new ERP system produced all of the following benefits except:
A. Integrated the company’s business functions
B. Company was able to maintain its original business processes
C. ERP system connected the company’s global operations
D. The company gained flexibility in manufacturing products
E. Operations employees were able to access manufacturing process details at their workstations


1. To find the incorrect statement about information systems, we need to evaluate each statement and determine if it is correct or incorrect.

A. Information systems are concentrated in the IS Department.
This statement is incorrect. Information systems are not just concentrated in the IS Department. They are used throughout the organization by employees at every level.

B. Information systems tend to follow the structure of the organization.
This statement is correct. Information systems are usually designed to align with the structure of the organization. They are developed based on the needs and requirements of the different departments and functional areas within the organization.

C. Information systems are based on the needs of employees.
This statement is correct. Information systems are designed to support the needs of employees and help them perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively.

D. Any information system can be strategic.
This statement is correct. Information systems can be strategic in nature, meaning they can provide a competitive advantage for an organization if used effectively.

E. Managing information systems is difficult.
This statement is correct. Managing information systems can be challenging due to their complexity, rapid technological advancements, and the need for continuous updates and maintenance.

Therefore, the incorrect statement about information systems is A. Information systems are concentrated in the IS Department.

3. To identify the type of information system that analyzes credit card applications and suggests approval or denial, we can evaluate each option and determine which one fits the description.

A. Expert system
An expert system is a type of artificial intelligence system that uses knowledge and rules to provide expert-level advice or recommendations. This could potentially fit the description of an information system that analyzes credit card applications and suggests approval or denial.

B. Dashboard
A dashboard is a visual representation of key performance indicators and data metrics. It is typically used to monitor and track the performance of various aspects of a business. This does not match the description of the information system in question.

C. Functional area information system
A functional area information system is designed to support the specific needs and tasks of a particular functional area within an organization, such as accounting, marketing, or human resources. While it could potentially be used in the context of credit card application analysis, it does not specifically address the suggestion of approval or denial.

D. Decision support system
A decision support system (DSS) is a type of information system that provides analysis and information to support decision-making processes. This could potentially fit the description of an information system that analyzes credit card applications and suggests approval or denial.

E. Business intelligence system
A business intelligence system is designed to gather, analyze, and present a wide range of business data and information to support decision-making. This does not specifically address the suggestion of approval or denial for credit card applications.

Based on the descriptions, the most suitable option for an information system that analyzes credit card applications and suggests approval or denial is A. expert system.

4. To find the incorrect statement concerning information resources, we need to evaluate each statement and determine if it is correct or incorrect.

A. Information resources include all the hardware, information systems and applications, data, and networks in an organization.
This statement is correct. Information resources include all these elements that are used to manage and process data within an organization.

B. Without their information resources, organizations cannot function.
This statement is correct. Information resources are essential for the functioning of organizations. They enable data processing, communication, decision-making, and other organizational activities.

C. Information resources typically do not change quickly.
This statement is incorrect. Information resources, especially technology-related resources, often change rapidly due to technological advancements, system upgrades, and evolving business requirements.

D. Information resources are expensive to acquire, operate, and maintain.
This statement is correct. Information resources can be costly to acquire, operate, and maintain, especially when considering the hardware, software, networking infrastructure, and skilled personnel required to manage them.

Therefore, the incorrect statement concerning information resources is C. Information resources typically do not change quickly.

5. To determine the problem that did not lead International Game Technology to implement an ERP system, we need to evaluate each option and determine if it is a problem that potentially necessitated an ERP system.

A. Each functional area had its own information system
This is a common problem that can lead to inefficiencies, lack of integration, and difficulty in sharing information across different functional areas. It could have been a factor in the decision to implement an ERP system.

B. Applications were not integrated
This can also lead to similar issues as mentioned above, making it difficult to share data and streamline processes. It could have been a factor in the decision to implement an ERP system.

C. A lack of useful information for managers
This is a problem that an ERP system can help address by providing real-time, integrated, and comprehensive data and analytics for better decision-making. Therefore, it is not the problem that would have prompted the implementation of an ERP system.

D. The accounting department had multiple types of software
Having multiple types of software in the accounting department can lead to inefficiencies, data inconsistencies, and difficulties in consolidating financial information. It could have been a factor in the decision to implement an ERP system.

E. The company could not manage the high volume of its transactions
This is a problem that an ERP system can help address by providing a centralized and automated platform for managing transactions. It could have been a factor in the decision to implement an ERP system.

Therefore, the problem that did not lead International Game Technology to implement an ERP system is C. A lack of useful information for managers.

6. To determine the benefit that the new ERP system did not produce for International Game Technology, we need to evaluate each option and determine if it is a benefit achieved through ERP implementation.

A. Integrated the company's business functions
This is a common benefit of ERP systems. They help integrate various business functions and processes, enabling smoother operations and improved decision-making.

B. Company was able to maintain its original business processes
This is not typically a benefit achieved through ERP implementation. ERP systems often require organizations to adapt their processes to align with the system's functionalities.

C. ERP system connected the company's global operations
This is another common benefit of ERP systems. They enable organizations to connect and streamline operations across different locations and regions.

D. The company gained flexibility in manufacturing products
This is a potential benefit of ERP systems, as they can help optimize and streamline manufacturing processes, leading to increased flexibility and responsiveness.

E. Operations employees were able to access manufacturing process details at their workstations
This is a common benefit of ERP systems. They provide real-time access to relevant information and enable employees to access and update data related to their tasks and responsibilities.

Therefore, the benefit that the new ERP system did not produce for International Game Technology is B. Company was able to maintain its original business processes.