using commutative law, what is the answer to 43+vw ?

I wonder what the question is.


@Dr Russ: that could be the answer ;)

To use the commutative law to find the answer to 43 + vw, we need to understand what the commutative law states. The commutative law of addition states that for any two numbers a and b, the sum of a and b is the same as the sum of b and a. In other words, the order in which we add two numbers does not affect the result.

In the expression 43 + vw, we have the number 43 and the product vw. The commutative law of addition doesn't apply here because vw is not a number, but a product of v and w.

If you want to simplify the expression or perform any calculations with it, we need more information about what v and w represent.