Could someone please tell me if I have answered the question?

What were the US cold war policies and practices in international relations in the late 1940s to the mid 1950s?

During the late 1940’s and 1950’s the tensions were greater than before between the Soviet Union, because of what would happen between Germany and how it would be split. The Soviet expected a lot, because Stalin was a very suspicious man that never trusted anyone. He resented the other allies from stalling their attacks on the west. That is when the United States did what they had to do to bring the Soviets to a halt. When Berlin was surrounded by the Soviets, the United States started the Berlin airlift and hindered the challenge by the Russians. Then during the 1950’s the United States began a policy of containment, which then stated that the United States would help any country being in jeopardy by communist aggressors. When the United States said they would help any country in jeopardy this seemed to have got the United States in trouble with Vietnam and Korea. While all this was going on so was the McCarthyism theory back in the United States. That is when Senator
Joe McCarthy stated that there are communists in the United States government. So since Senator Joe McCarthy stated that they began to investigate people from Hollywood, Jewish and anyone else who they felt was a threat to them. If they were found guilty even if they were innocent they would be put on trial and even be executed.

You wrote a lot more than what the question asked. What did the sentences about McCarthyism have to do with the question?

You actually start to answer the question with "When Berlin was surrounded by the Soviets, the United States started the Berlin airlift .." All that before is superfluous.

So why did you put all this information in? Did you have trouble sifting the answer, and operated under the theory the deeper the snow the harder it is to shovel? Teachers learn to shovel for the answer only pretty quickly. I suspect you were not confident that containment was the right answer.

I’m not sure sorry.

Based on your response, it appears that you have provided some information about the US cold war policies and practices in international relations in the late 1940s to the mid-1950s. You mentioned the tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union due to the division of Germany, the Berlin airlift as a response to Soviet actions in Berlin, the policy of containment, and the issue of McCarthyism in the United States. However, your response lacks specific details and organization. Let me explain how you could improve your answer.

To answer the question more effectively, it would be helpful to organize your response by addressing each aspect of US cold war policies and practices separately. You can start by providing an overview of the overall US strategy during the specified time period. This would include key policies such as containment, which aimed to prevent the spread of communism.

Next, you can discuss the specific actions taken by the United States to implement these policies. For example, you mentioned the Berlin airlift, which was a major event during this time and demonstrated US resolve in confronting Soviet actions. You can provide more details about how the airlift was carried out and its impact on US-Soviet relations.

Additionally, you can explain other initiatives or events that were part of US cold war policies. This could include US involvement in the Korean War and the Vietnam War, which were conflicts fought against communist aggression.

Lastly, you can address the issue of McCarthyism and its impact on US domestic politics and international relations. Explain how Senator Joe McCarthy's allegations of communist infiltration within the US government led to investigations and trials of individuals, including those in Hollywood and the Jewish community. Highlight the implications of this era on civil liberties and international perception of the United States.

By organizing your response and providing more specific details, you will be able to effectively answer the question about the US cold war policies and practices in international relations in the late 1940s to the mid-1950s.