If obligate aerobes were placed in an environment where there was an abundant supply of oxygen, what most likely would happen?

Check this article for your answer.


To answer this question, we can refer to the article you provided on Wikipedia about aerobic organisms.

1. Visit the Wikipedia page on aerobic organisms by clicking on the link you provided: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerobic_organism.

2. Scroll through the page and look for the section that discusses obligate aerobes. This section should provide information about the characteristics and requirements of obligate aerobes.

3. Based on the information provided in the section, it is likely that obligate aerobes, which require oxygen to survive, would thrive and reproduce in an environment with an abundant supply of oxygen.

4. Read through the section and gather specific details about the response of obligate aerobes to an environment with ample oxygen. This will help provide a more detailed and accurate answer to the question.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the answer to your question about the likely outcome for obligate aerobes in an environment with abundant oxygen.