Write your own journal entry from the perspective of a member of Bradford's colony. What do you think of these unruly pirates? What shocks you the most about these surly characters? How do the manners of the pirates differ from yours?

The key word in this question is You/your. After reading about the Bradford colony, how do you think you would have felt about the pirates?

Here are some sites that might give you ideas.


Write your own journal entry from the perspective of a member of Bradford's colony. What do you think of these unruly pirates? What shocks you the most about these surly characters? How do the manners of the pirates differ from yours? Visit the Calvinism in New England Puritan Culture web site. This site will assist you in providing examples of Puritan culture.

Journal Entry - November 10, 1620:

Today marks another day in the midst of this seemingly never-ending journey with my fellow members of Bradford's colony. As we continue to navigate these unfamiliar lands, our encounters with the unruly pirates have left an indelible mark on my thoughts.

To say that the pirates have unsettled our peaceful existence would be an understatement. The mere presence of these surly characters has stirred a mixture of fear, intrigue, and disdain within our hearts. Our Puritan beliefs stand in stark contrast to their lawless ways, causing a clash of cultures that is difficult to comprehend.

The most shocking aspect about these pirates is their complete disregard for order and authority. While we strive for a disciplined and orderly society, their lack of respect for law and decency is truly bewildering. The pirates seem to thrive on chaos and violence, indulging in acts that go against everything we stand for as settlers of this new land.

Differences in manners and etiquette between us and the pirates are not merely superficial, but rather fundamental. Our daily lives are woven with a strict code of conduct, grounded in religion and morality. We cherish civility, humility, and kindness in our interactions with one another.

The pirates, on the other hand, exhibit a brazen disregard for such virtues. Their manners are coarse and offensive, with a penchant for crude language and aggressive behavior. They seem to revel in their ability to intimidate, disrespect, and exploit others for their personal gain. The contrast is unnerving, leaving me questioning the very fabric of their character.

In these encounters with the pirates, I find myself torn between a desire to distance myself from these unruly characters and an inherent curiosity to understand their motives and motivations. While their ways may be foreign and unsettling, I must remind myself of our purpose here - to establish a community built on principles of righteousness, unity, and progress.

May we find the strength to navigate this unfamiliar territory, incorporating the lessons learned from these encounters and fortifying our own virtue amidst the chaos that surrounds us.


[Your Name]