What can we do to save seashores and the sea? People polluted the seashores and the sea, so sea animals don't live in the sea. What can we do?

1. We can pick up trash on seashores.
2. We can pick up garbage from the sea.
3. We should not throw waste oil into the sea.
4. We should not throw away fishing gears and nets into the sea.
5. We should not throw away an antifreezing solution into the sea.

Do you know some more thing we can do to clean the sheshore and the sea? Would you write them down?

(Would you check the expressions and write some more things we can do to clean the sea and seashore?)

1- wear waterproof sun screen, cause it is bad for the ocean.

2-use firendly enviroment safe clean prodcts on boats.
3-Be careful of what prodcts you buy at home cause that all will eventaully go back into the ocean.
4-Do not buy coral, cause it is taken from the ocean
5-do not walk in the dunes on the sea it is a barrier so it does not case erosion.
6- Try and avoid cruise lines, because the put oil and gases in to the ocean.
7-car pollution the smoke from the exhast goes into the air which cause acid rain and when it mixes with rain it ends up in the water killing many of the spieces.

Hope this helps let me know if yo need more

Confused has some good suggestions. Be aware, though, that he/she is using "cause" when the word is "because." There are also comma errors.

In #6, it should read "Try to avoid..."

Also watch spelling -- such as "species."

Certainly! Here are a few more things we can do to clean and protect the sea and seashores:

6. Reduce single-use plastic: Plastic pollution is a significant threat to marine life. By reducing our consumption of single-use plastic items like bags, bottles, and straws, we can help prevent them from ending up in the sea.

7. Support clean energy alternatives: Carbon emissions contribute to climate change and ocean acidification. By supporting clean energy sources like solar and wind power, we can help reduce these threats to the sea.

8. Practice sustainable fishing: Overfishing can disrupt marine ecosystems. Choosing sustainable seafood options, following fishing regulations and size limits, and avoiding endangered species can all contribute to the long-term health of the sea and its inhabitants.

9. Promote responsible tourism: Coastal tourism can have both positive and negative impacts. Encouraging responsible tourism practices, such as not disturbing wildlife, respecting protected areas, and leaving no trace, can help preserve the seashore and its natural beauty.

10. Encourage education and awareness: Raising awareness about marine pollution and its effects on sea life can help inspire individuals and communities to take action. Promoting educational programs, participating in beach cleanups, and sharing information about sustainable practices can all contribute to a cleaner and healthier sea.

Remember, every small action counts, and by working collectively, we can make a positive difference for the seashores and the sea.