evaluate the expression for the given values of the variables.

(a+b)3 when a=3 and b= 5

Just plug in the variables. so the equation would be 3(3+5) then distribute(multiply both 5 and three by three) 9+15, you can do the rest

(3+5)3 --> (8)3=24

To evaluate the expression (a+b)3, you need to substitute the given values of a and b into the expression.

In this case, a=3 and b=5. So, you can plug in these values into the expression to get (3+5)3.

Next, simplify the expression inside the parentheses by adding 3 and 5. This gives you 8.

Then, multiply the result by 3, which gives you 8 multiplied by 3, or 24.

Therefore, when a=3 and b=5, the value of the expression (a+b)3 is 24.