can some one help me on how i work these qustions out..i need to simplify and write out the full solutions.

2x + 4 / 2


2x^2 / x^3

I'm not sure what you mean by write out the full solutions but If that means find x...

the first one is simplified and solved as

2x+4/2= 2x+2 (simplified)

for the 2nd one simplified is

2x^2/x^3 subtract the higher exponent x from the lower exponent x and thus...


actually simplified the first one should be 2x+4/2= x+1 since you can cancel out the 2's

2x + 4 / 2

= x + 2

2x^2 / x^3

= 2/x

To simplify and find the solution for these expressions, let's go step by step:

1. Simplifying 2x + 4 / 2:

- This is a fraction, so we can separate the numerator (2x + 4) and the denominator (2).
- The numerator is 2x + 4, which means we have two terms: 2x and 4.
- We can simplify the numerator by dividing each term by 2: (2x/2) + (4/2).
- Dividing 2x by 2 gives us x, and dividing 4 by 2 gives us 2.
- The simplified numerator becomes: x + 2.
- The denominator remains as 2.
- The simplified expression is then (x + 2) / 2.

To find the solution, we need to set the expression equal to zero:

(x + 2) / 2 = 0

To solve for x, we multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to remove the fraction:

(x + 2) = 0 * 2

(x + 2) = 0

Now, we isolate the x term by subtracting 2 from both sides:

x + 2 - 2 = 0 - 2

x = -2

So the solution for 2x + 4 / 2 is x = -2.

2. Simplifying 2x^2 / x^3:

- We have a fraction with two terms in the numerator: 2x^2.
- The denominator has one term: x^3.
- To simplify, we can subtract the exponent in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator.
- Subtracting x^3 (the highest exponent) from 2x^2 gives us (2x^2 / x^3) = 2 / x^(3-2).
- Simplifying further, we get 2 / x^1 = 2 / x.

So the simplified expression for 2x^2 / x^3 is 2 / x.

Note: The "full solution" in this context refers to simplifying the expression as much as possible and getting an expression that cannot be simplified further.