Maria types one thousand whole numbers beginning at 1 and finishing at 1000. How many times does she need to hit the 3 key?

Figure that, in the ones column, 3 will be hit, starting with the numeral 3, every tenth time, leading to 100 strokes.

Do similar calculations for the tens column and the hundreds column.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To find out how many times Maria needs to hit the 3 key in the ones, tens, and hundreds columns, we can use a systematic approach.

In the ones column, Maria will hit the 3 key every time she encounters a number that ends with a 3 (3, 13, 23, ..., 993). We need to count how many numbers in this sequence.

To calculate this, we can divide the highest number in the sequence (993) by 10 since every tenth number ends with a 3. So, 993 divided by 10 equals 99.

Therefore, Maria needs to hit the 3 key 99 times in the ones column.

Now let's move on to the tens column. Maria will hit the 3 key every time she encounters a number that has a 3 in the tens place (30, 31, 32, ..., 39, 130, 131, ..., 139, ..., 930, 931, ..., 939). Again, we count how many numbers in this sequence.

To calculate this, we can divide the highest number in the sequence (939) by 100 since every 100th number has a 3 in the tens place. So, 939 divided by 100 equals 9.39, but we round down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Maria needs to hit the 3 key 9 times in the tens column.

Lastly, let's consider the hundreds column. Maria will hit the 3 key every time she encounters a number that has a 3 in the hundreds place (300, 301, 302, ..., 399, 1300, 1301, ..., 1399, ..., 9300, 9301, ..., 9399). Again, we count how many numbers in this sequence.

To calculate this, we can divide the highest number in the sequence (9399) by 1000 since every 1000th number has a 3 in the hundreds place. So, 9399 divided by 1000 equals 9.399, but we round down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Maria needs to hit the 3 key 9 times in the hundreds column.

Adding up the counts for the ones, tens, and hundreds columns, Maria needs to hit the 3 key a total of 99 + 9 + 9 = 117 times.

So, Maria needs to hit the 3 key 117 times in total while typing the whole numbers from 1 to 1000.