air currents from the atlantic:

A)have difficuty reaching eastern europe
b)keep tempertures more mild in western europe
c)are warmed by the gulf stream
D) all of the above
my choice is d


I was amazed when I visited Scotland -- at about the same latitude as Hudson Bay. Roses sometimes keep blooming until December, thanks to the warmth of the Gulf Stream.

Good choice! The correct answer is indeed D) all of the above.

The air currents from the Atlantic Ocean do face challenges when reaching eastern Europe. This is because as the air moves eastward from the Atlantic, it encounters various physical barriers such as the European mountain ranges. These barriers have a blocking effect on the air flow, making it challenging for the Atlantic air currents to reach eastern Europe.

The air currents from the Atlantic Ocean also play a significant role in keeping temperatures more mild in western Europe. These currents, commonly referred to as the North Atlantic Drift or the North Atlantic Current, transport warm water and air from the tropics towards Europe, primarily due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. As a result, regions in western Europe, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, and parts of France, experience milder temperatures compared to areas at similar latitudes in other continents.

Additionally, the air currents from the Atlantic Ocean are indeed warmed by the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and flows towards Europe. As the warm water from the Gulf Stream moves northward, it transfers heat to the surrounding air, leading to the warming of the air currents from the Atlantic.

In conclusion, all of the statements A, B, and C are correct. The air currents from the Atlantic Ocean face challenges reaching eastern Europe, keep temperatures more mild in western Europe, and are warmed by the Gulf Stream.