While we cook we should (andthere are 3 spaces 2 write in)

What does your book say? There are any number of possibilites that could be put here.

well it says checklist and what would u do during ur cooking example clean up

Some of the things you need to do during cooking might include: following a recipe, measuring ingredients, keeping your hands clean and the utensils clean, preparing pans for cooking, preheating the oven. All of this will depend on what you plan to cook.

Plan ahead.

While we cook, we should prioritize a few important tasks to ensure a smooth and efficient cooking process. Here are three spaces for you to write down these tasks:

1. Meal planning: Before cooking, it is helpful to plan the meals you intend to prepare. You can write down the recipes, ingredients needed, and any necessary preparations such as marinating or prepping vegetables. This will help you stay organized and ensure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand.

2. Timers and cooking techniques: When it comes to cooking, timing is crucial. You can jot down specific cooking times and temperature settings for different dishes or techniques, especially if you are multitasking or using various cooking appliances simultaneously. This will help you keep track of different cooking stages and prevent over or undercooking.

3. Ingredient substitutions and measurements: It is always useful to have a reference for ingredient substitutions and accurate measurement conversions. For instance, you can write down common substitutions for spices, dairy products, or gluten-free alternatives. Additionally, having a list of measurement conversions (e.g., teaspoons to tablespoons or cups to grams) will be handy when adapting recipes or following international recipes.

By having these three spaces to jot down meal plans, cooking times, and ingredient references, you can enhance your cooking experience, stay organized, and address any challenges that may arise.