I am writing a paper and do not understand part of this question. The question is as stated: Describe the background, theoretical perspective, and contributions to the field of psychology of the person you have chosen. What is meant when I have to describe their theoretical perspective? I looked up theoretical perspective but just don't understand.

Theoretical perspective is the way in which the person views the world, its people, and their interactions. Freud, for instance, saw everything as parts of a person's id, ego, and superego. He felt that a person's personality developed from early childhood and had a lot to do with his relationships with his mother.

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When you are asked to describe the theoretical perspective of a person in the field of psychology, it refers to their particular approach or framework through which they view and understand psychological phenomena. Theoretical perspectives in psychology represent different schools of thought or conceptual frameworks that guide psychologists in their understanding and interpretation of human behavior, mental processes, and emotions.

To describe the theoretical perspective of the person you have chosen, you would need to explore their unique viewpoint or theoretical framework. This might involve understanding their theories, specific concepts, or models they have proposed that contribute to the field of psychology. Here are the steps you can take to describe their theoretical perspective:

1. Identify the person you have chosen: Determine the specific individual whose background, theoretical perspective, and contributions you are describing. It could be a well-known psychologist, such as Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, Carl Rogers, or others.

2. Conduct background research: Look into the person's educational background, professional experiences, notable achievements, and any significant contributions they have made to the field of psychology. This will provide you with an overall understanding of their work.

3. Identify the theoretical perspective: Explore the specific theoretical perspective associated with the person you have chosen. This can be done by examining their major published works, theories, and the conceptual frameworks they have developed.

4. Define the theoretical perspective: Once you have identified the person's theoretical perspective, define it in your own words. Understand the core principles, assumptions, and concepts that form the foundation of their theoretical framework.

5. Describe key concepts and contributions: Outline and explain the main concepts, principles, or models associated with the person's theoretical perspective. Discuss how these concepts contribute to our understanding of human behavior and psychological processes.

6. Provide examples: Illustrate the theoretical perspective with real-world examples or specific studies conducted by the person. This will demonstrate the practical applications and empirical evidence supporting their theoretical framework.

7. Analyze the impact: Consider the influence and impact of the person's theoretical perspective on the field of psychology. Assess how their ideas and contributions have shaped the understanding and practice of psychology, as well as any critiques or controversies associated with their work.

By following these steps, you can effectively describe the theoretical perspective of the person you have chosen for your paper. Remember to incorporate relevant references and citations to support your claims and provide a comprehensive understanding of their contributions to the field of psychology.