Express 2,750,389 in scientific notation

A number in scientific notation can only have 1 digit greater than the decimal.

2,750,389 has 7 digits greater than the decimal. If you divide by 10^6, you will have only 1 digit.

So your answer will be 2,750,389 / 10^6 x10^6


2.750389 x 106

To express a number in scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. Determine the mantissa: The mantissa is a decimal number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10. For 2,750,389, the mantissa would be 2.750389.

2. Count the number of decimal places between the original number and the mantissa. For 2,750,389, you would have 6 decimal places.

3. Write the mantissa followed by "x 10^" (where "^" represents "to the power of") and the number of decimal places counted. The scientific notation for 2,750,389 would be 2.750389 x 10^6.

Therefore, 2,750,389 expressed in scientific notation is 2.750389 x 10^6.