select T.branch_name

from branch T, branch S
where T.assets > S.assets and S.branch_city = "Brooklyn"

Write an efficient relational algebra
expression that is equivalent to this query.
Here is my answer:
á T.branch_name (T.assets > S.assets v S.branch_city = “Brooklyn”) (branch)

To write an equivalent relational algebra expression for the given SQL query, we can break it down step by step:

1. First, we need to perform a Cartesian product (×) between the Branch table (T) and itself, giving us a temporary relation X. This will create all possible combinations of branch records.

X ← T × T

2. Next, we need to apply a selection (σ) operation on the temporary relation X, with two conditions: T.assets > S.assets and S.branch_city = "Brooklyn".

Y ← σ(T.assets > S.assets ∧ S.branch_city = "Brooklyn")(X)

3. Finally, we project (π) the branch_name attribute from the resulting relation Y to get the desired output.

Z ← π(T.branch_name)(Y)

Therefore, the resulting efficient relational algebra expression that is equivalent to the given SQL query is:

Z ← π(T.branch_name)(σ(T.assets > S.assets ∧ S.branch_city = "Brooklyn")(T × T))

This expression represents the same set of operations as the original SQL query and will yield the expected result.