a study of the causes of the american revolution of 1776 of the french revolution of the 1789 an the russian revolution of 1917 best supports the generalization that revolution is most likely to occur when


Read a few of these articles, and then let us know what you decide. Someone here will be happy to critique your thinking.

- A study of the causes of the American Revolution of 1776, the .

To study the causes of these three revolutions and determine the generalization that revolution is most likely to occur when certain conditions are present, you would need to analyze the historical context and factors that contributed to each event. Here is an overview of the causes of each revolution:

1. American Revolution of 1776:
- Causes: British colonial policies, taxation without representation, desire for self-governance, Enlightenment ideas of liberty and equality.
- Generalization: Revolution is most likely to occur when a population experiences oppression, lack of representation, and a desire for self-determination.

2. French Revolution of 1789:
- Causes: Economic inequality, social unrest, political corruption, influence of Enlightenment ideas, food shortages, financial crisis, and resentment towards the monarchy.
- Generalization: Revolution is most likely to occur when there is a significant divide between the ruling class and the general population, and when economic and social injustices are prevalent.

3. Russian Revolution of 1917:
- Causes: Economic inequality, widespread poverty, autocratic rule of Tsar Nicholas II, industrialization, World War I, discontent among workers and peasants, Marxist ideas gaining popularity.
- Generalization: Revolution is most likely to occur when there is a combination of economic hardships, political repression, and a growing desire for political and social change.

Based on these three revolutions, a generalization can be made that revolution is most likely to occur when there are circumstances such as socioeconomic inequality, political oppression, lack of representation or freedoms, widespread discontent, and the influence of revolutionary ideas or ideologies. However, it is important to note that each revolution is unique, and the causes and circumstances leading to revolution can vary.