Write the word form of the number that is 10,000,000 greater than 6,021,849.

10,000,000 + 6,021,849 = 16,021,849

Sixteen million, twenty-one thousand, eight hundred forty-nine.

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sixteen million, twenty-one thousand, eight hundred forty-nine

To find the word form of a number that is 10,000,000 greater than 6,021,849, we need to add 10,000,000 to 6,021,849 and then convert the result into word form.

Let's perform the addition first:

6,021,849 + 10,000,000 = 16,021,849

Now we have the number 16,021,849. To express this number in word form, we can break it down into groups of three digits and assign specific names to each group. Here's the breakdown:

16,021,849 ⟶ 16 million + 21 thousand + 849

So, the word form of the number 16,021,849 is "Sixteen million, twenty-one thousand, eight hundred forty-nine."