I have read the chapter concerning this subject several times in my text book and cannot find the answer for my study page. Please assist.

Mercantilism encouraged economic polic makers to:

A. Develop national monopolies over trade and resources

B. Industralize the colonies

C. Limit government intervention

D. implement free trade


Be sure to read more about mercantilism:

... especially in the first link on that results page.


To find the answer to your question, it is helpful to understand the concept of mercantilism and how it influenced economic policies. Mercantilism was an economic theory prevalent during the 16th to 18th centuries that advocated for government involvement in economic affairs to increase a nation's wealth and power.

To find the answer to your question, you can start by looking for information on mercantilism in your textbook. Look for sections that discuss the main principles and goals of mercantilism. You can also try using the index or table of contents to find relevant sections.

Since you have already gone through your textbook multiple times and could not find the answer, one alternative is to search online. You can use a search engine like Google and type in keywords related to mercantilism, such as "mercantilism economic policies" or "mercantilism goals." The search results will likely lead you to websites, articles, or scholarly sources that explain the concept and its impact on economic policies.

For more in-depth information, you can click on the first link in the search results that is relevant to your question. This will take you to a webpage where you can read about mercantilism and how it encouraged certain economic policies. Make sure to read carefully and look for information specifically related to the options presented in the question.

By combining information from your textbook and additional research online, you can find the answer to your question. In this case, the answer is option B: Mercantilism encouraged economic policymakers to industrialize the colonies.