2x represents that Clyde is twice (2 times) as old as Bonnie.

6 years from now, Clyde will be twice as old as his cousin Bonnie will be then. If Clyde is now 16 years old, how many years old is Bonnie?

I got 10 because I did 16-16years=10.

The book says I'm wrong.

They said: ( You're told that Clyde is now 16; thus in 6 years he will be 22. If he will then be twice as old as Bonnie will be then, that means Bonnie will be 11 years old in six years. Thus she must be 11-6=5 years old now, making c the right answer.

I don't get it. please help.

Let's set up an equation with x equaling Bonnie's age in 6 years.

2x = 16 + 6
2x = 22
x = 11

Since she'll be 11 in 6 years, we subtract 6 from 11 to get her present age.
11 - 6 = 5

But where did you get 2x from???

How did you know to type 2x?

Oh thanks. I understand now.


I'm glad you understand now! Let me explain how I arrived at 2x.

In the given problem, it says that "2x represents that Clyde is twice (2 times) as old as Bonnie." This means that x is Bonnie's age. Since Clyde is twice Bonnie's age, we can represent Clyde's age as 2 times Bonnie's age, which is 2x.

By setting up the equation 2x = 16 + 6, we are saying that Clyde's age (2x) in 6 years will be 16 (his current age) plus 6 years.

Simplifying the equation, we have 2x = 22.

To find Bonnie's age, represented by x, we need to solve for x. Dividing both sides of the equation by 2 gives us x = 11.

Therefore, Bonnie will be 11 years old in 6 years.

To determine Bonnie's current age, we subtract 6 from 11. So Bonnie is currently 11 - 6 = 5 years old.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to approach these types of problems!