A quadrilateral is a _________ if and only if all of its sides are congruent and its diagonals are congruent

A quadrilateral is a rhombus if and only if all of its sides are congruent and its diagonals are congruent.

To determine if a given quadrilateral is a rhombus, you need to check two conditions:
1. Verify that all of its sides are congruent: Measure the length of all four sides of the quadrilateral. If they are all equal, then this condition is satisfied. If any side length is different, then it is not a rhombus.
2. Verify that its diagonals are congruent: Draw both diagonals of the quadrilateral and measure their lengths. If the two diagonals are equal, then this condition is satisfied. If the diagonals have different lengths, then the quadrilateral is not a rhombus.

So, to determine whether a quadrilateral is a rhombus, you need to ensure that both conditions are met.


Enough, Twg!!

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