
how do i convert this using C=5/9(F-32)

I don't think 9/5(C+32) is correct. Isn't it 9/5(C) + 32? You want F so use the one I wrote, plug in 16 for C and solve for F.

thanks you were alot of help:)

To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit using the formula C = 5/9(F-32), you need to plug in the value of Celsius and solve for Fahrenheit.

In this case, you want to convert 16 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Step 1: Start with the formula C = 5/9(F-32).
Step 2: Plug in the given Celsius value, which is 16: 16 = 5/9(F-32).
Step 3: Solve the equation for F (Fahrenheit).

To do this, you need to isolate F by performing the necessary operations to both sides of the equation.

Step 4: Multiply both sides of the equation by 9/5 to cancel out the fraction: (9/5) * 16 = F - 32.
Step 5: Simplify the left side of the equation: (9/5) * 16 = 28.8.

Therefore, the equation becomes: 28.8 = F - 32.

Step 6: Add 32 to both sides of the equation to isolate F: 28.8 + 32 = F.
Step 7: Simplify the equation: 60.8 = F.

So, 16 degrees Celsius is equal to 60.8 degrees Fahrenheit.