How can I construct a triangle ABC with vertices A(-4,2), B(4,3), C(1,-3). what are the angles in order from least measure to greatest measure

Since you will have to use trigonometry to find the angles, surely you must know how to plot points.

take the slope of each of the lines,
e.g. slope BC =(3-(-3))/(4-1) = 2

If ß is the angle BC makes with the x-axis, then tan ß = 2 and
In the same way you can find the angles that the other sides make with the x-axis, and from there you will be able to find the angles of the triangle.

To construct the triangle ABC with vertices A(-4,2), B(4,3), and C(1,-3), follow these steps:

1. Plot the points A(-4,2), B(4,3), and C(1,-3) on a coordinate plane.
- Point A is located at (-4,2)
- Point B is located at (4,3)
- Point C is located at (1,-3)

2. Draw the line segments AB, BC, and CA to form the triangle ABC.

3. To find the angles of the triangle, use trigonometry.

- Angle BAC (A):
- Find the slope of the line AB: slopeAB = (3 - 2) / (4 - (-4)) = 1/8
- The tangent of angle A is equal to the slope of AB: tan(A) = 1/8
- Use inverse tangent (arctan) to find the measure of angle A.
- A = arctan(1/8)
- Calculate A using a calculator: A ≈ 7.12 degrees

- Angle ABC (B):
- Find the slope of the line BC: slopeBC = (3 - (-3)) / (4 - 1) = 2
- The tangent of angle B is equal to the slope of BC: tan(B) = 2
- Use inverse tangent (arctan) to find the measure of angle B.
- B = arctan(2)
- Calculate B using a calculator: B ≈ 63.43 degrees

- Angle BCA (C):
- Find the slope of the line CA: slopeCA = (-3 - 2) / (1 - (-4)) = -1/5
- The tangent of angle C is equal to the slope of CA: tan(C) = -1/5
- Use inverse tangent (arctan) to find the measure of angle C.
- C = arctan(-1/5)
- Calculate C using a calculator: C ≈ -11.31 degrees

4. Order the angles from least measure to greatest measure: Angle C ≈ -11.31 degrees, Angle A ≈ 7.12 degrees, Angle B ≈ 63.43 degrees.

Therefore, the angles of triangle ABC, in order from least measure to greatest measure, are Angle C ≈ -11.31 degrees, Angle A ≈ 7.12 degrees, and Angle B ≈ 63.43 degrees.

To construct triangle ABC with vertices A(-4,2), B(4,3), C(1,-3), you can follow these steps:

1. Plot the points A(-4,2), B(4,3), and C(1,-3) on a coordinate plane.
2. Draw lines connecting the points A, B, and C to form the triangle ABC.

Now, to find the angles of triangle ABC, you can use trigonometry. Specifically, the angles can be determined using the arctangent function, which calculates the angle based on the slope of the lines. Here's how you can find the angles:

1. Calculate the slope of each side of the triangle using the formula: slope = (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁).
- Slope of AB: (3 - 2) / (4 - (-4)) = 1 / 8
- Slope of BC: (-3 - 3) / (1 - 4) = -6 / -3 = 2
- Slope of AC: (-3 - 2) / (1 - (-4)) = -5 / 5 = -1

2. Calculate the angles by taking the arctangent of the slopes:
- Angle A: arctan(1/8) ≈ 7.13 degrees
- Angle B: arctan(2) ≈ 63.43 degrees
- Angle C: arctan(-1) ≈ -45 degrees

Since the angles should be in order from least measure to greatest measure, you can write the angles as follows:
Angle A ≈ 7.13 degrees
Angle C ≈ -45 degrees (or 315 degrees when measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis)
Angle B ≈ 63.43 degrees

Note: The negative angle for C signifies its position below the x-axis. However, when measuring angles in counterclockwise direction, -45 degrees is equivalent to 315 degrees.