Bill finds an unusual object and wishes to calculate it's density. He discovers a problem of accurately weighing it, because it won't stay on the weighing pan. To solve this he adds the object to a beaker containing 59 mL of distilled water and finds the water level rises to 122 mL. The flask of water weighed 946.5 grams after the object was added. If the empty beaker weighed 698 grams, calculate the following:

The weight of the water: g
The weight of the object: g
The volume of the object: cm3
The density of the object:

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i just need help with the problem

To calculate the weight of the water, we need to find the difference in weight of the flask before and after adding the object.

Weight of the water = Weight of the flask with water - Weight of the empty flask

Weight of the water = 946.5 g - 698 g
Weight of the water = 248.5 g

To calculate the weight of the object, we need to find the weight of the flask with water and object, and then subtract the weight of the flask with only water.

Weight of the object = Weight of the flask with water and object - Weight of the flask with water

Weight of the object = 946.5 g - 248.5 g
Weight of the object = 698 g

To find the volume of the object, we need to calculate the volume of water displaced when the object is added to the beaker.

Volume of the object = Final volume - Initial volume

Volume of the object = 122 mL - 59 mL
Volume of the object = 63 mL = 63 cm3

Finally, to calculate the density of the object, we can use the formula:

Density = Weight / Volume

Density of the object = Weight of the object / Volume of the object

Density of the object = 698 g / 63 cm3
Density of the object = 11.05 g/cm3

To calculate the weight of the water, we need to find the difference between the weighed flask with the water and the weight of the empty beaker.

Weight of the water = Weight of the flask with water - Weight of the empty beaker

Weight of the water = 946.5 g - 698 g
Weight of the water = 248.5 g

Therefore, the weight of the water is 248.5 grams.

Next, to calculate the weight of the object, we need to subtract the weight of the empty beaker and the weight of the water from the weighed flask with both water and the object.

Weight of the object = Weight of the flask with water and object - Weight of the empty beaker - Weight of the water

Weight of the object = 946.5 g - 698 g - 248.5 g
Weight of the object = 0.0 g

Therefore, the weight of the object is 0.0 grams. This implies that the object is less dense than water, as it does not contribute any additional weight.

Now, to calculate the volume of the object, we need to find the difference between the initial volume of the water and the final volume when the object is added.

Volume of the object = Final volume - Initial volume

Volume of the object = 122 mL - 59 mL
Volume of the object = 63 mL

However, the volume should be given in cm3 instead of mL, so we need to convert it.

1 mL is equal to 1 cm3, so the volume of the object is also 63 cm3.

Finally, to calculate the density of the object, we use the formula:

Density = Weight / Volume

Density of the object = Weight of the object / Volume of the object

Density of the object = 0.0 g / 63 cm3
Density of the object = 0.0 g/cm3

Therefore, the density of the object is 0.0 g/cm3.