Multiply. Use the lattice method. 277*32=

I hope your teacher does not teach this method as a viable method for multiplication.

A week ago Yahoo presented this method as a novelty and as a "math trick".

This website explains and shows diagrams for multiplying using the lattice method.

Multiply 28x72 using lattice method.

Write 278 as a product of prime numbers.

To use the lattice method to multiply 277 by 32, follow these steps:

1. Write the numbers 277 and 32 as the headings of two columns.
2. Create a lattice grid, with the number of rows and columns being equal to the number of digits in each number.
3. Split each number into its digits and write them in the corresponding cells of the grid.

For 277: 2 | 7 | 7
For 32: 3 | 2

4. Multiply each digit in the left column by each digit in the top row and write the products in the corresponding cells.

| |2 |2 |3 |
|7 |14 |14 |21 |
|7 |14 |14 |21 |

5. Add the numbers diagonally in each box.

| |2 |2 |3 |
|7 |14 |14 |21 |
|7 |14 |14 |21 |

The sum for the first box is 14 (diagonal numbers 2 and 7).
The sum for the second box is 14 (diagonal numbers 2 and 7).
The sum for the third box is 14 (diagonal numbers 3 and 7).
The sum for the last box is 21 (diagonal numbers 2 and 7, and the number 1 on the left side).

6. Write these sums along the diagonal from top left to bottom right of the grid.

| |2 |2 |3 |
|7 |14 |14 |21 |
|7 | |14 | |
| |14 | |
| |21 |

7. Add the numbers along the bottom right diagonal to find the final product.

14 + 14 + 21 = 49

Therefore, 277 multiplied by 32 using the lattice method equals 8,864.