You have been told that a certain house is 164m in area. How much is this in square feet? Use the conversion . 1ft= 0.305

1foot = 0.305 what? units please.

164m^2 X 100cm^2 X 1in^2 X 1ft^2

1m^2X 2.54cm^2X 12in^2

if you still need help post your work.

To convert the area from square meters to square feet, we'll use the given conversion factor: 1ft = 0.305m.

First, calculate the conversion factor from square meters to square feet. Since we are dealing with area, the conversion factor will be squared:
Conversion Factor = (1ft/0.305m)^2 = 1.0936

Now, multiply the area in square meters (164m^2) by the conversion factor to get the area in square feet:
Area in square feet = 164m^2 * 1.0936 = 179.6424 square feet (approximated to four decimal places)

Therefore, the area of the house is approximately 179.6424 square feet.

Frank Steelman

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