If I average driving 60.0 miles/hour when traveling (including stops and sleeping) how far can I get in 3.5 days?


= 60mi/hr * 3.5 days ( 24hrs/day)

distance = rate x time

d = 60 mi/hr x (24 hr/day) x 3.5 days = ??
Check my work.

To determine how far you can get in 3.5 days, we need to calculate the total distance you can cover if you drive at an average speed of 60.0 miles per hour for the entire duration.

Let's first convert the time of 3.5 days into hours. There are 24 hours in a day, so 3.5 days would be:

3.5 days * 24 hours/day = 84 hours

Now, we can determine the total distance covered by multiplying the average speed by the total time:

60.0 miles/hour * 84 hours = 5040 miles

Therefore, if you drive at an average speed of 60.0 miles per hour for 3.5 days, you can cover a distance of 5040 miles.

To determine how far you can get in 3.5 days, we will take into account that you drive an average of 60.0 miles per hour, including stops and sleep.

First, let's calculate the total number of hours you will be driving during the 3.5 days:

Number of hours per day = 24 (since a single day has 24 hours)
Total number of hours driving in 3.5 days = Number of hours per day × Number of days

Total number of hours driving in 3.5 days = 24 hours/day × 3.5 days = 84 hours

Now that we know the total number of hours, we can calculate the total distance covered during those hours:

Total distance covered = Average speed × Total number of hours

Total distance covered = 60.0 miles/hour × 84 hours

Total distance covered = 5,040 miles

Therefore, driving at an average of 60.0 miles per hour, including stops and sleep, you can cover a distance of 5,040 miles in 3.5 days.