Which one of the following statements about writing business letters is True?

a. If you forget one of the crucial points of your letter, provide the information in a postscript.

b. "Respectfully yours" is usually the most appropriate complimentary close for business correspondence.

c. If the professional title and gender of your recipient are unknown, the courtesy title " Mr/s." is the safest way to begin the inside address and salutation.

d. Block style gives your letter a contemporary appearance, and it is fast to key.

I believe the answer should be b, but I am torn between b and d.

Both b and d are true. Your text may have different information, though.

Check this article.


To determine which statement is true, you can refer to reliable sources such as the article you provided from Wikipedia. In the case of business letters, the article states that "Respectfully yours" is indeed a commonly used complimentary close for business correspondence. This makes statement b true.

As for statement d, it is also true that block style gives a letter a contemporary appearance and is fast to key. However, it is always important to consider whether your text source aligns with this statement.

In conclusion, both statement b and statement d are true based on the provided sources.