What is the square root of

2.754 x 10^9?

Punch in 2.754E9 and hit the square root button.

To find the square root of 2.754 x 10^9, you can use a calculator. Here's how you can do it:

1. Enter the number 2.754 x 10^9 on the calculator.
2. Some calculators have a specific button for scientific notation, typically denoted as "E" or "EE". If your calculator has this button, enter the value after the multiplication symbol (10^9), using the scientific notation format. For example, you would enter it as 2.754E9.
3. Locate the square root (√) button on your calculator. It is often represented by a radical symbol (√) or the letters "sqrt".
4. Once you have entered the number in scientific notation, press the square root button.

The calculator will then display the square root of 2.754 x 10^9 as the result.