what is the setting?

Setting of a story is where does it take place? For instance, The setting in StarTrek is the universe.

The setting can often (but not always) include time in some way -- Star Trek takes place in the future; the play "Antigone" takes place in ancient times in Greece, but there's no definite day, month, year, season, etc., indicated.


The setting refers to the time, place, and social or cultural context in which a story or narrative takes place. It helps establish the backdrop and atmosphere for the events that occur.

To determine the setting of a specific story, you can look for clues within the text. Pay attention to descriptions of the physical environment, such as geographical features, buildings, or landscapes. Additionally, consider any cultural or historical references that might provide context for the setting.

Setting can sometimes be explicitly stated, such as "The story takes place in New York City in the 1920s." Other times, it may be more subtle and require inference based on the details provided.

To identify the setting, familiarize yourself with the story's key elements, descriptions, and historical or cultural references. By analyzing these details, you can pinpoint the time, place, and social context in which the story unfolds.