figure out what is being described

Throw out my outer.
Keep my inner.Eat my outer.Throw out my inner

An ear of Corn!

Take out the green stuff keep the corn
eat the yellow stuff throw away the rest

Hmmmm. We use the shucks for tamales, and the cob is chopped for cattle food.

The yellow stuff goes to chickens, cattle, and the kids.

We also make the yellow stuff into hominy and grits, and cornmeal for cornbread and dressing.

To figure out what is being described, we need to analyze the clues given: "Throw out my outer, keep my inner, eat my outer, throw out my inner."

From these clues, it seems that something in the description is being discarded twice: first its outer part, and then its inner part. However, its outer part is being eaten, while its inner part is being thrown out.

By following this logic, we can conclude that the answer to this riddle or description is an onion. When we peel an onion, we discard its outer layer, which is usually dry and papery. Then, we keep the inner part, which is edible. However, when cooking, we often remove the thick inner membrane layer before using the onion, throwing it away. Thus, the answer is an onion.