i need to know what is the theme of the story "the face on the milk carton"

Check these sites for information about themes in novels. Then you can make your own decision about the theme of The Face on the Milk Carton.



this does not seem to answer the questions i have.


We do not want to give you the theme. As teachers we want to show you how you can obtain the theme itself. That is much more important.

Read the sites carefully given to you by Ms. Sue. We will further help you if you have trouble with the way to FIND the theme yourself

To determine the theme of a story, it is important to analyze the plot, characters, and symbols within the narrative. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can identify the theme of the story "The Face on the Milk Carton":

1. Read the story: Begin by thoroughly reading the entire story, paying attention to the key events, character interactions, and any symbols or motifs that stand out.

2. Identify key ideas: Jot down any overarching or recurring ideas or concepts that you notice while reading the story. These can include topics such as family, identity, secrets, or the search for truth.

3. Analyze characters' motivations: Pay close attention to the characters' thoughts, feelings, and actions, looking for underlying motives and desires. Consider how these motivations influence the overall meaning of the story.

4. Look for patterns and symbols: Consider any patterns or symbols that appear throughout the story. Symbols are objects, actions, or events that represent larger ideas or themes. Analyze their significance and how they contribute to the overall message of the story.

5. Consider the author's intent: Think about the author's purpose in writing the story. Reflect on any social, cultural, or historical context that might inform the themes explored in the narrative.

6. Reflect on personal experiences: Relate the story and its themes to your own experiences and perspectives. Consider how the story's themes resonate with you and how they reflect universal human experiences or struggles.

By following these steps, you can develop a deeper understanding of the story's themes and form your own interpretation. Keep in mind that different readers may interpret the same story differently, so your understanding of the theme might be unique to you.

I apologize for the confusion. "The Face on the Milk Carton" is a young adult novel by Caroline B. Cooney. The theme of a story refers to the underlying message or central idea that the author wants to convey. While I cannot give you the specific theme, I can guide you on how to identify it yourself.

To determine the theme of a story, you can consider the following steps:

1. Read the story: Carefully read and analyze the plot, characters, and events in the story. Take note of any recurring symbols, motifs, or conflicts.

2. Identify central ideas: Look for any overarching ideas, beliefs, or values presented in the story. Think about what the story is trying to say about these ideas.

3. Consider character development: Analyze how the characters change and grow throughout the story. Pay attention to any messages or lessons they learn as a result of their experiences.

4. Analyze dialogue and narration: Examine the language and tone used in the story. Look for any specific messages or themes that the author may communicate through the dialogue or narration.

5. Look for societal or universal themes: Consider if the story touches on broader themes that are relevant to society or human experiences. Some common themes include love, identity, family, friendship, justice, or coming of age.

6. Reflect on the author's intent: Consider the author's background, experiences, and purpose for writing the story. This can offer insights into the possible themes they intended to convey.

By critically analyzing these key elements of the story, you will be able to identify the theme. Remember that themes are subjective and can vary depending on the reader's interpretation.