In this scenario, assume the role of a student. You have read assignment details in your course syllabus, but you are still unsure what to do. Think about how you would approach your instructor versus how you would approach a classmate to receive more information about the assignment.

Always ask the instructor on information that you are not sure of. Classmates can be helpful but would you want to get the information from your teacher first then ask if classmates had any problems understanding the assignment??

Twg has the best advice! Why settle for a "middle man" if you can get to the source?

Or, in other words "go to the top."


Whichever source you seek, indicate what you understand and then get to the points of your confusion. Be specific in stating your questions.

However, just as the other tutors indicate, it is always best to go to the source of the instructions. Other students might misinterpret the instruction.s.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

As a student, when faced with uncertainty about an assignment, it is essential to seek clarification to ensure successful completion. Here's how you can approach your instructor and classmate to get more information about the assignment:

Approaching your instructor:
1. Review the assignment details: Before reaching out to your instructor, make sure you have carefully read the assignment instructions provided in your course syllabus. Highlight any specific areas causing confusion.
2. Prepare specific questions: Identify the exact points or requirements you are unclear about. Frame your questions in a concise, respectful manner.
3. Utilize office hours or email: Check your instructor's office hours, which might be mentioned in the syllabus or course materials. If they have specific hours set aside for student consultations, try to avail yourself of that opportunity. If office hours aren't feasible, consider sending a polite email explaining your query.
4. Be polite and respectful: When interacting with your instructor, maintain a respectful tone. Be clear and concise in your communication, ensuring your questions are well-formulated to provide maximum clarity.

Approaching a classmate:
1. Identify a reliable classmate: Seek out a classmate who seems to have a good understanding of the assignment or has asked relevant questions during class discussions.
2. Ask for their availability: Approach the classmate either in-person or through a communication platform such as email or text to inquire about their availability to discuss the assignment.
3. Present your questions: Prepare your questions beforehand and explain the areas of confusion or uncertainty you have regarding the assignment. Be specific to ensure your classmate understands your concerns.
4. Active listening: Listen attentively to their responses, taking notes if necessary. Ask for clarification or examples if you need further understanding.
5. Express gratitude: Once your classmate provides the information you need or offers insight, show appreciation for their time and help. Consider reciprocating their kindness in the future if they require assistance.

Remember, whether approaching your instructor or a classmate, it is important to be respectful, specific, and appreciative of their assistance.