Fine the complete subject or predicate of the sentence. then identify the simple subject or verb.

Examble; The peaks of the undersea mountains rise above the surface of the water and form islands.

Complete subject: The peaks of the undersea mountains

Simple subject: peaks

Complete predicate: rise above the surface of the water and form islands.

Verbs: rise, form

The word dinosaur means "terrible lizard." fragment of sentence add a subject or predicate

To find the complete subject or predicate of a sentence, we need to break down the sentence and identify all the subjects and verbs.

Let's analyze the given example:

Sentence: The peaks of the undersea mountains rise above the surface of the water and form islands.

Subject: The peaks of the undersea mountains
- The complete subject in this sentence is "The peaks of the undersea mountains."
- The simple subject is "peaks."

Predicate: rise above the surface of the water and form islands.
- The complete predicate in this sentence is "rise above the surface of the water and form islands."
- The simple predicate (verb) in this sentence is "rise."

So, in this example:
- The complete subject is "The peaks of the undersea mountains."
- The simple subject is "peaks."
- The complete predicate is "rise above the surface of the water and form islands."
- The simple predicate (verb) is "rise."