Which of the following had the greatest impact on women's lives after World War I?

A. New Deal programs
B. labor-saving devices
C. equal-opportunity laws
D. the creation of many new jobs

C. equal-opportunity laws

is my answer correct?

All of the rest of the answer choices help the work force in general - C is the only choice in which women as a specific group are benefited.

No. Equal-opportunity laws weren't passed until well after World War II.

Labor saving devices, such as electric washing machines, irons, stoves, and vacuum cleaners became available after World War I.

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Equal opportunity laws

To determine which of the options had the greatest impact on women's lives after World War I, we can analyze the possible effects of each option:

A. New Deal programs: The New Deal was a series of programs implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat the Great Depression. While these programs aimed to address economic issues, they did not specifically target women's rights or gender equality. While certain New Deal programs like the Works Progress Administration (WPA) did create job opportunities for women, it did not have as significant and direct an impact on women's lives as some of the other options.

B. Labor-saving devices: The introduction of labor-saving devices, such as household appliances (washing machines, vacuum cleaners, etc.), made household chores more efficient and saved women considerable time and effort. These devices allowed women to dedicate more time to other activities, such as pursuing education or employment, thereby expanding their opportunities and autonomy.

C. Equal-opportunity laws: The establishment of equal-opportunity laws aimed to combat discrimination based on gender, race, or other factors. While the implementation and effectiveness of these laws varied, they played a crucial role in advancing women's rights and promoting gender equality in various aspects of life, including employment, education, and social engagement.

D. The creation of many new jobs: After World War I, the war-driven economy transitioned to peacetime production, resulting in the creation of numerous new jobs. This expansion of employment opportunities opened doors for women to enter various industries previously dominated by men, such as manufacturing, clerical work, and government services. The influx of jobs allowed women to gain financial independence, contribute to household incomes, and challenge traditional gender roles.

Considering the options, all of them have had some impact on women's lives after World War I, but the option that had the greatest impact would be subjective, as it depends on various factors such as location, socioeconomic status, and individual circumstances. However, the combination of labor-saving devices, equal-opportunity laws, and the creation of new jobs collectively played a significant role in advancing women's rights and expanding their opportunities after World War I.