Amanda received a 70 gift card for a coffee store. She used it in buying some coffee that cost 7.37 per pound.

After buying the coffee, she had 25.78 left on her card. How many pounds of coffee did she buy?

This question seems to be easy Karl, but yeah Reiny is right show us what you have done so far then we will go from there.

To figure out how many pounds of coffee Amanda bought, we can use the equation:

Total amount spent on coffee = Initial gift card balance - Remaining balance on the gift card

Given that Amanda initially had a $70 gift card and had $25.78 left after buying the coffee, we can substitute these values into the equation:

Total amount spent on coffee = $70 - $25.78

Simplifying this equation gives us:

Total amount spent on coffee = $44.22

Now, let's determine how many pounds of coffee Amanda bought by dividing the total amount spent on coffee by the cost per pound:

Pounds of coffee = Total amount spent on coffee / Cost per pound

Substituting the values we found earlier gives us:

Pounds of coffee = $44.22 / $7.37

Calculating this gives us:

Pounds of coffee ≈ 6

Therefore, Amanda bought approximately 6 pounds of coffee.

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